【分享主題】Introduce to Rust—A Powerful System Language & How Rust NLL makes life easier
【活動時間】2019/04/17 (Wed.) 19:30
【活動地點】Skymizer (台北市內湖區瑞光路 408 號 12 樓 -2)
Part 1. Introduce to Rust—A Powerful System Language (Liu, An-Chi @tigercosmos)
Rust is a multi-paradigm systems programming language focused on safety, especially safe concurrency. Rust is syntactically similar to C++, but is designed to provide better memory safety while maintaining high performance.
This talk covers the the followoing: principles of design, features and applications. There are many successful projects used Rust, including browsers, operation systems, and database management systems, which will be also discussed in the talk.
Part 2. How Rust NLL makes life easier (Hong Sheng/鄭弘昇)
Rust 的所有權與生命週期的概念通常會是使新手在剛接觸語言時第一個卡關的地方,而 Rust 在 2018 年底正式將 NLL(non-lexical lifetime) 作為新的 Lifetime 機制納入了 stable 版本,使得原本一些明明合理卻不能編譯過的情形在 NLL 出現過後得以改善,讓 Lifetime 變得更為便民,不過 NLL 究竟做了什麼?本次內容會著重在 NLL 的運行機制這部份做討論。
- Lifetime 觀念以及沒有 NLL 之前的 lexical lifetime
- NLL 的處理流程,如何透過 NLL 作到更精準的 Lifetime 判斷
- https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/2094-nll.md
- https://blog.rust-lang.org/2016/04/19/MIR.html
- https://github.com/nikomatsakis/borrowck
Liu, An-Chi @tigercosmos
Software Engineer
Hong Sheng/鄭弘昇
寫過一段時間的 Scheme, 同時是 Emacs 教派的信徒
也歡迎到 Rust Taiwan 更深入認識 Rust 噢
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